The Worcester Housing Authority has begun the complete redevelopment of Lakeside Apartments. On this page, you will be able to track the progress on this multi-phased project,
find links to local media coverage, answers to frequently asked questions, and much more.
This page will be updated to reflect new information and updates as the project moves forward.
For questions about the redevelopment, please email
Lakeside Apartments at 30 Lakeside Ave., which was built in 1949, consists of 202 units over 75 years old. They cannot provide adequate amenities to meet the needs of our residents in 2023.
Additionally, there are just two wheelchair-accessible units, and the demand for accessible units is increasing citywide. With those and other factors in mind,
the WHA started the process of procuring a developer to assist in the reimagining of the entire Lakeside property.
Through the selection process, the WHA Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to hire Tremont Development LLC Partners, along with woman-owned E3 Development LLC.
This project will replace all existing units, creating approximately 350 total units.
Phase 1 will demolish 48 units and build 116 new apartments.
Demolition is expected to start in July 2025, followed by construction in August.
Phase 1 construction is expected to end in 2027.
Relocation has been ongoing an is expected to wrap up in May 2025.
Phase 2 will demolish 13 units and build 10 affordable home ownership units concurrently with Phase 1.
The remaining 225 or so units will be built as part of phases 3 and 4, with Phase 3 expected to start in 2027, followed by Phase 4 in 2029.
Final construction is expected to be completed in 2029.
The project will provide a wide range of affordability, with income tiers at 30 percent, 60 percent, 80 percent and 100 percent of Annual Median Income (AMI).
Redevelopment will improve accessibility and energy efficiency through new construction and sustainable design and will exceed required minimums of mobility- and sensory-accessible units.
A phased construction approach will minimize relocation of current residents.
WHA and Tremont have held multiple resident and public meetings for complete transparency and to ensure all interested parties have a chance to be heard with any questions and concerns they may have.
The project is being done through either Section 18 Demolition/Disposition or the Resident Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, which allows WHA to leverage future guaranteed rents and subsidies to secure the loans needed to bring the project to fruition. Funding will come from multiple sources at the local, state and federal levels.
In partnership with Worcester Housing Authority and Building Futures, Inc.: Developer: Tremont Development Partners and E3 Development Property Management/Resident Services: Worcester Housing Authority and Maloney Properties Architect: Davis Square Architects Civil Engineer: Bohler Engineering Financing Consultant: Recap Advisors Relocation: Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU)
Phase 1 + 2 Program Existing
61 units Proposed (Subject to change)
116 Rental units
(+) 28 Homeownership units
(=) 144 Total units
Slide 3
Proposed Plan
Buildings/Height 8 buildings/2-6 stories Units (subject to change)
328 Rental units
(+)28 Homeownership units
(=)356 Total Units
Parking Approx. 300 Spaces (incl Lakeside Ave) Amenities
Approx. 5.7 acres open space
Linear park along Lakeside Ave
Approx. 11,000 s.f. management/amenity space
Elevators in all rental buildings
Approx. 10% of units will be HC accessible
Passive House design
All-electric systems; roof-top solar
Slide 4
Building Design Concept
Buildings A & B
Buildings E & F
Buildings G & F
Slide 5
Rental Units Income Tier
30% AMI*
60% AMI
Est Monthly Rent (2023) (based on unit size, before utility allowance)
$0 - $913
$921 - $2,031
Income Limits (2023) (based on household size)
$24,600 - $37,950
$54, 720 - $84,420
Number of Units
* WHA residents will continue to pay 30% of income for rent
Homeownership Units Income Tier
80% AMI – 100% AMI
Estimated Sales Price (2023)
$200,000 - $250,000
Income Limits (2023) (based on household size)
$65,550 - $122,000
Number of Units
Slide 6
Development Timeline (Estimated)
Design and Permitting
July 2023 – December 2023
October 2023 – June 2024
July 2024 – December 2024
10 Buildings/61 units
January 2025 – June 2026
18 months
July 2026 – December 2026
116 Rental units
(+)28 Homeownership units
(=)144 Total units
WHA: Alex Corrales, Peter Proulx, Tiffany Shliapa, Jeysa Nortey, Billy Ayala, Edlin Ortiz, Patrick Travaglio-Romeo, Erik Storm, Walter Bird
E3: Eliza Datta
HOU: Yasaira Garcia
Location: 14 Lakeside Ave – 6:00 PM
Meeting minutes: Patrick Travaglio-Romeo
Presenter: Alex Corrales, Eliza Datta, Yasaira Garcia Introduction
Alex introduced himself and did an overview on the purpose of the meeting for those who were not in attendance prior.
This meeting will have information from Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU) about the on/off-site relocation prcess currently underway for Phase 1 and 2 residents.
We encourage all our residents to make notes of all the questions that may arise because of the meetings so that they can get addressed and answered during the next meeting.
E3 introduced themselves to the residents.
Eliza spoke on the progress of the project' we have received local approval from the Worcester Zoning Board, Planning Board, Historical Commission, and others. At this stage in the project, we are waiting on funding approvals from the state to move forward.
Eliza then spoke about the design of the buildings, and their improvements to the current Lakeside Buildings
The new design will address concerns related to elevators and wheelchair accessibility.
All apartments will have sprnkling systems to improve safety an improved efficiency.
All buildings will be mixed income featuring different income levels.
HOU introduced themselves to the residents and shared their presentation.
Yasaira reintroduced the company and spoke about the experience and reliability of the company
They have successfully relocated over 33,000 units across the country and assured the residents of Lakeside a smooth transition..
All residents that are currently with us from the 202 will be returning, no resident will lose their housing because of this redevelopment.
To complete the process, the WHA will need to do it in phases and relocate residents temporarily while we demolish and rebuild.
The project and the relocation agency will assist with all moving costs, transferring current services, and any other interruption that may come as a result of the redevelopment
Phase 1 and Phase 2 residents have received 120 notices, and the on-site relocation process is underway. Several residents have received unit offers and this process will continue as residents in later phases move out
Yasaira noted that residents will not have to move out untill they receive a 90-day notice whith a unit offer.
RQ: How many units will be offered to me?
A: Residents will be presented with two options. The first option is customized to meet your specific needs and preferences. It is recommended that residents choose this option promptly, as there may be a limited number of units available. Failure to select this option will result in the second option becoming mandatory for acceptance for those residents who move within the WHA portfolio.
RQ: Why are we not allowed to move using the Section 8 Vouchers?
A: Originally, we thought we would need to utilize Section 8 Vouchers to get all residents in phase 1 and 2 relocated. But we are moving families within the WHA portfolio quickly enough to not have to use vouchers. Also, HUD has placed a freeze on the entire agency so, even if we needed to, we could not use vouchers.
RQ: Will we have to move to GBV?
A: You maybe be offered a unit at GBV or another unit managed by the WHA. HOU is doing everything they can to accommodate everyone's individual needs.
RQ: Are residents from other phases being moved?
A: A resident from another phase could be moved if for instance a one-bedroom unit becomes available, and all of the one-bedroom residents of phase one have already been relocated.
RQ: Will we be forced to move if we do not have a place to go?
A: No, you will only be asked to move when we have an apartment ready for you.
RQ: What are the plans for Phase 2?
A: The current plan is to build 28 new home ownership units in the entire development, in phase two their will be 10 home ownership buildings constructed. A two-bedroom home ownership unit will cost around $200,000.
Note:There were several questions asked by residents that were personal questions in reference to their individual relocation needs that HOU will answer privately. If you have any questions or needs please contact Emanuel Euceda at or in person at 52 South Circuit Ave.
Lakeside Apts Meeting Minutes 04/17
WHA: Alex Corrales, Peter Proulx, Tiffany Shliapa,Jeysa Nortey, Billy Ayala, Edlin Ortiz, Patrick Travaglio-Romeo, Erik Storm, Walter Bird
Tremont/ E3: Katie Latchford and Eliza Datta
HOU: Vanessa Rivera, Yasaira Garcia, Emanuel Euceda
Location: 14 Lakeside Ave – 6:00 PM
Meeting minutes: Patrick Travaglio-Romeo
Presenter: Tiffany Shliapa, Peter Proulx, Eliza Datta, Yasaira Garcia
Tiffany introduced herself and did an overview on the purpose of the meeting for those who were not in attendance prior.
This meeting will have information from Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU) about the on-site relocation process currently underway for Phase 1 and 2 residents.
Off-site relocation has not started yet. Off-site relocation is expected to begin in summer of 2024, although the date may be subject to change. Prior to any off-site relocation, Phase 1 and 2 residents will receive a notice from WHA.
We encourage all our residents to make notes of all the questions that may arise because of the meetings so that they can get addressed and answered during the next meeting.
Tremont/ E3 introduced themselves to the residents and shared the partnership between E3 and Tremont.
Eliza spoke on the progress of the project; we have received local approvals form the Worcester Zoning Board, Planning Board, Historical Commission, and others. At this stage in the project, we are waiting on funding approvals from the State to move forward.
Eliza then spoke about the design of the buildings, and their improvements to the current Lakeside Buildings
The new design will address concerns relative to elevators and wheelchair accessibility.
All apartments will have sprinkling systems to improve safety and improved energy efficiency.
All buildings will be mixed income featuring different income levels.
HOU introduced themselves to the residents and shared their presentation.
Yasira reintroduced the company and spoke about the experience and reliability of the company.
They have successfully relocated over 33,000 units across the country and assured the residents of Lakeside a smooth transition.
All residents that are currently with us from the 202 will be returning, no resident will lose their housing because of this redevelopment.
To complete the process, the WHA will need to do it in phases and relocate residents temporarily while we demolish and rebuild.
The project and the relocation agency will assist with all moving costs, transferring current services, and any other interruption that may come as a result of the redevelopment.
HOU has completed all resident assessments for the families living in Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Phase 1 and Phase 2 residents have received GIN notices, and the on-site relocation process is underway. Several residents have received unit offers and this process will continue as residents in later phases move out
HOU are the experts, they know all the rules, tenancy rights, and how all residents are to be accommodated in this process. HOU’s goal is to make sure that all residents understand the process. Each family feels supported through out the entire process.
RQ: Why was I not informed of this meeting?
A: This meeting was specifically intended for the residents of Phase 1 and Phase 2 to inform them about the on-site relocation process.
RQ: What if my family does not have the ability to move more than one time?
A: If that is the case, please inform HOU of your request and we will do the best we can to accommodate you through the relocation process. Residents will have the opportunity to stay at the residence they are temporarily relocated to.
RQ: Can you explain the timing frame for the relocation?
A: Yes, we have already started on-site relocation for residents and will continue that process through the year. We plan to start off-site relocation mid-summer if necessary.
RQ: I only have 2 hours a day to pack, how can I pack all my things in time for relocation?
A: HOU has already sourced packing supplies and we can give them to you at your request. If you feel it would be beneficial to have packing supplies now, please contact Emanuel Euceda at HOU and he will get them to you.
RQ: Have you considered the impact of the increased number of units on the school system?
A: Yes, we have been in conversation with the school department, City of Worcester, and Local Officials since the beginning of this redevelopment and we will continue to work with them as the project progresses. But please keep in mind that there is an increasing demand for affordable housing in the State and our job at the WHA is to create more affordable housing for the resident of Worcester.
Note: There were several questions asked by residents that were personal questions in reference to their individual relocation needs that HOU will answer privately. If you have any questions or needs please contact Emanuel Euceda at or in person at 52 South Circuit Ave.
Lakeside Apts Meeting Minutes 10/11
WHA: Alex Corrales, Peter Proulx, Michael Murphy, Tiffany Shliapa, Billy Ayala, Edlin Ortiz, Patrick Travaglio-Romeo, Erik Storm, Walter Bird
Tremont/ E3: Rich Mazzocchi and Eliza Datta
HOU: Vanessa Rivera
Location: 14 Lakeside Ave – 2:00 & 5:30 PM
Meeting minutes: Patrick Travaglio-Romeo
Presenter: Alex Corrales – CEO
Alex introduced himself and did an overview on the purpose of the meeting for those who were not in attendance prior (this was the third follow-up meeting to provide more information to residents for this project initiative).
We encourage all our residents to make notes of all the questions that may arise because of the meetings so that they can get addressed and answered during the next meeting.
The meeting minutes are always recorded, and residents will have access to all questions in case they are not able to attend the meetings.
This meeting will have new information from Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU) the organization responsible for the relocation of our residents.
Tremont/ E3 introduced themselves to the residents and shared the partnership between E3 and Tremont.
Rich and Eliza from the development team recapped the project.
Rich gave a timeline for development. The entire project is probably in 8 years. Phase 1 is probably 2 years, and each phase will take approximately 2 years, by the time you consider moving within buildings, lining up the demolition, and the reconstruction of the buildings will average out to 2 years per phase.
Eliza spoke on the visual concept of the buildings, our goals for designing them the way we did. The buildings will be more energy efficient, there will be more open space and 10 percent of our units will be handicap accessible.
WHA self-sufficiency programs and the impact it has on our residents in becoming homeowners. Reintroducing the idea of homeownership to the residents of Lakeside was very welcoming because it creates an opportunity for our residents to become homeowners through the agency and our self-sufficiency programs.
The new design will address concerns relative to elevators and wheelchair accessibility.
All apartments will have sprinkling systems to improve safety.
(Conceptually) The goal is to build higher buildings so residents can have better views.
All buildings will be mixed income featuring different income levels.
HOU introduced themselves to the residents and shared their presentation.
Vanessa introduced the company and spoke about the experience and reliability of the company.
They have successfully relocated over 33,000 units across the country and assured the residents of Lakeside a smooth transition.
Phase 1 and Phase 2 residents will be relocated first, and onsite transfers will begin to take place in January. Offsite transfers will start in the summer of 2024.
Some residents will move onsite and offsite, residents moving offsite can move into the private sector through a Section 8 voucher or into another WHA property.
All residents that are currently with us from the 202 will be returning, no resident will lose their housing because of this redevelopment.
Unfortunately, to complete the process, the WHA will need to do it in phases and relocate residents temporarily while we demolish and rebuild.
The project and the relocation agency will assist with all moving costs, transferring current services, and any other interruption that may come as a result of the redevelopment.
Beginning in November HOU will begin resident assessment, one-on-one, to get an understanding of each resident needs. Each resident needs to provide as much information as possible because this will help determine the relocation plan for each family.
Residents will receive a notice of eligibility stating rights of each resident has through this redevelopment.
HOU are the experts, they know all the rules, tenancy rights, and how all residents are to be accommodated in this process. HOU’s goal is to make sure that all residents understand the process. Each family feels supported through out the entire process.
RQ: Who will be relocation in January?
A: On site transfers can happen as soon as January. The resident assessment will help us to determine who will be transferred onsite.
RQ: Can residents be relocated from phases 1 and 2 to phases 3 and 4?
A: Yes, residents can be relocated from phases 1 and 2 to phases 3 and 4 and will have the right to return to the new units after construction.
RQ: Do all residents have the option to return once construction is complete?
A: Yes, all residents of Lakeside will have the right to return to the property once construction is complete.
RQ: Once we’re relocated can we stay in our new unit permanently?
A: Yes, because you are being moved for more than 12 months you do have the right to stay in your new unit.
RQ: Can we add spray shower playground?
A: Not sure but based on the need we may be able to add it to our discussion.
RQ: How will HOU conduct resident assessments? What order will HOU do assessments in?
A: Assessments will be completed one-on-one with each household. We have not determined yet the order in which we meet with each family but that will be coordinated soon.
RQ: Will phase 2 be included in resident assessment?
A: Yes, any resident in phase 1 and phase 2 will be included in the assessment.
RQ: What utilities will be paid, and will our utilities increase when we return?
A: We have not completed the design of the buildings so we are unsure of what will need to be paid. But you will never have to pay more than 30 percent of your income towards rent and utilities.
RQ: Where are we able to move during relocation?
A: You will be given opportunities to move to WHA properties, onsite or offsite through a section 8 voucher.
RQ: What is there isn’t enough section 8 vouchers to relocate everyone? Who gets priority for section 8 vouchers?
A: The goal of our relocation is to move residents first onsite then to WHA properties and then use Section 8 vouchers. We don’t expect to use all of our vouchers.
RQ: What area will be Phase 1?
A: We haven’t determined that 100 percent; however, we are projecting to begin in the back. We will inform all residents when this is determined.
Lakeside Apts Meeting Minutes 10/11
Alex Corrales – Worcester Housing Authority
Rich Mazzocchi – Tremont Development Partners
Eliza Datta – E3 Development
Topics Covered:
Development Team, Concept Plan, Phasing, Timeline, Relocation, Building and Site Amenities, Affordability
Resident Questions, Presenter Answers: How will you build around the existing terrain and keep water bodies intact?
The site has a sloping topography, and the development team is working on ways to build with the existing slope, including the use of retaining walls. The project will also have an erosion/sediment control plan and the team will work to adhere to all wetland and floodplain buffer restrictions.
What will the total impervious area look like?
The development will improve the amount of pervious area on site.
I have a business on Garland Street, how will that be affected by the construction activity?
As we get closer to the construction start date, there will be community meetings to update all residents and abutters on construction activity and there will also be a construction management plan which will detail road closures and site boundaries.
How will you ensure the construction site is safe and we won't have water and noise issues?
The development team will work on a construction management plan which will ensure safety for all residents and abutters.
Will the Columbus Park School have input on the relocation plan?
The development team has hired a relocation consultant, Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU), who will take the lead on the relocation plan. We intend to discuss the plan with the Columbus Park School and ask for input.
Will you be using any green financing programs with the State? What sustainable features will there be?
The intent is for all rental phases to be passive house certified. The project will include solar panels and Energy Star Certified LED light fixtures and appliances (where available) will be utilized throughout. The development team is exploring all State and City green financing programs.
How many units will be ADA?
The rental projects will have at least 10% ADA-compliant units. The homeownership units will be townhouse-style units, and therefore, will not be ADA compliant.
Will there be any community gardens?
The development team is working on programming the open space and is considering community gardens.
Will there be any change in unit composition?
The unit composition will be similar to the current unit mix.
What phase will the linear park be in?
Phase 3, 2026 or later.
Lakeside Resident Meeting 7/12
Alex Corrales – Worcester Housing Authority
Rich Mazzocchi – Tremont Development Partners
Eliza Datta – E3 Development
Laura Cella-Mowatt – Davis Square Architects
Topics Covered:
Development Team, Concept Plan, Phasing, Timeline, Relocation, Building and Site Amenities, Affordability
Resident Questions, Presenter Answers: How will the project be accessible?
The project will meet all current accessibility standards, the rental portion will include 10% accessible units and there will be elevators in each building.
Will the project connect to the Boardwalk still?
Yes, the connection will remain.
Will there be enough parking?
The project is anticipated to maintain the current 0.7 parking ratio including on site and Lakeside Avenue parking. Current utilization rates suggest this ratio will satisfy the future population.
What is the phasing timeline?
Anticipated timelines are as follows – these are subject to change:
Phases 1 and 2: Relocation starting in July 2024, Construction starting in early 2025
Phase 3: Relocation starting in 2025, Construction starting in 2026
Phase 4: Relocation starting in 2027, Construction starting in 2028
How will relocation work and when will it occur?
It is anticipated that relocation for Phases 1 and 2 will start in July 2024, at the earliest. The development team has hired Housing Opportunities Unlimited, a relocation consultant, to provide relocation services to all residents. The process will start with individual meetings to discuss each resident’s wants and needs. A more detailed relocation-specific meeting will follow.
What will the Homeownership units look like?
They will be townhome-style units, similar to what is at GBV.
Can I purchase one of the affordable condos?
To purchase one of the condos in Phase 2, a resident must meet many requirements related to credit score, assets, and income that are traditionally required in purchasing a market-rate condo. WHA encourages residents to utilize the FSS program through WHA. More information on purchasing these condos will follow at future meetings.
Lakeside Apts Meeting Minutes 5/31
WHA: Alex Corrales, Peter Proulx, Michael Murphy, Tiffany Shliapa, Billy Ayala, Edlin Ortiz, Kelly Mayer
Boston Capital/ E3: Rich Mazzocchi and Eliza Datta
Location: 14 Lakeside Ave – 6:00PM
Meeting minutes: Edlin Ortiz
Presenter: Alex Corrales – CEO
Alex introduced himself and did an overview on the purpose of the meeting for those who were not in attendance prior (this was the third follow-up meeting to provide more information to residents for this project initiative).
Alex reviewed WHA’s vision with Lakeside Apartments. The goal is to increase affordable housing opportunities in the city, transition Lakeside to a mixed-income community, and provide residents with more amenities/space, while also diversifying the neighborhood. The WHA recognizes that at this time based on the current waitlist, there is a great need for affordable housing and our goal is to assist and address this through our current portfolio. This will afford residents the opportunity to remain within their community if they are no longer eligible to meet our current subsidy requirements.
All residents that are currently with us from the 202 will be returning, no resident will lose their housing because of this redevelopment.
Unfortunately, to complete the process, the WHA will need to do it in phases and relocate residents temporarily while we demolish and rebuild.
Housing Opportunities Unlimited (HOU) will be the relocation agency in place. Alex shared some information regarding this process and the assessments HOU completes to ensure all of the residents’ needs are met. He also expressed that this process will not be taking place any time as we are still in the preliminary stages and the agency still looking into funding.
The project and the relocation agency will assist with all moving costs, transferring current services, and any other interruption that may come as a result of the redevelopment. We will work with HOU because they are the experts, they know all the rules, tenancy rights, and how all residents are to be accommodated in this process.
We encourage all our residents to make notes of all the questions that may arise as a result of the meetings so that they can get addressed and answered during the next meeting.
The meeting minutes are always recorded, and residents will have access to all questions in case they are not able to attend the meetings.
Residents were re-introduced to the potential concept of homeownership. Alex shared information on WHA self-sufficiency programs (FSS and ABL) and the impact it has on our residents in becoming homeowners. Introducing the idea of homeownership to the residents of Lakeside was very welcoming because it creates an opportunity for our residents to become homeowners through the agency and our self-sufficiency programs.
The new design will address concerns relative to elevators, and wheelchair accessibility.
All apartments will have sprinkling systems to improve safety.
(Conceptually) The goal is to build higher buildings so residents can have better views
All buildings will be mixed-income featuring different income levels.
Boston Capital/ E3 introduced themselves to the residents and shared the partnership between E3 and Boston Capital.
Alex emphasized that the WHA’s job is to get all funding on a local/state level to support this project. As funding passes, we will share the information with residents during the meetings.
RQ: At the first meeting we were told 2-5 years and the new notice said 6-8 years, what’s the timeline?
A: The entire project is probably an 8 yrs. Phase 1 is probably 2 years and each phase will take approximately 2 years, by the time you take into account moving within buildings, lining up the demolition, and the re-construction of the buildings will average out to 2 years per phase. For instance, at Curtis (a much bigger project) it will take longer, perhaps about 10 years by the time is fully completed. However, the first phase will be about 2 years and then it continues to move to all the other phases. Some folks will not be immediately impacted, only the phase 1 residents, when that time comes. This is a lengthy process and we do not want anyone feeling alarmed today. Each phase will require funding and those are potential delays that we hope we don’t find!
RQ: What will be in the view for residents that will be in the middle of the building?
A: In the initial concept we would like to take advantage of the water view. We recognize that not all residents will have access to the water view, some may be the courtyard. However, the view will be similar to what we have now with more trees and improved green spaces. The goal is to remove the asphalt and to create more green spaces.
RQ: How are you going to fit all these improvements in such a small area? How are we going to accommodate mixing low-income residents with Section 8 and high-income families? Not all residents want to be a part of a mixed neighborhood with different lifestyles.
A: We have some undeveloped land that we are not using and maximizing right now. #2 I will respectfully disagree, we don’t want to segregate people by income level, we believe there are a lot of people with Section 8 vouchers that would like to relocate to a brand-new apartment in Lakeside vs. living in a 3-decker home. Having a mixed neighborhood is something we stand behind.
RQ: Residents would like to feel secure just like everyone else that makes more income.
A: Our goal is to get all residents to co-exist in a mixed community. Residents will not know what you pay unless you share that. Our goal is to create a community in which our folks are not targeted by their income level and where they live. We also want to afford residents the opportunity to remain in their communities even when they are over the current income level. Right now, if a resident is over income, they have to move out. Now with the new redevelopment, there’s an opportunity for them to remain in the community and have those resources available.
RQ: What will the parking space look like?
A: The city of Worcester has specific requirements regarding parking therefore there will be more parking. More units, more parking spaces. We will make sure it makes sense for the resident’s needs.
RQ: Will residents be able to have a garden?
A: Not sure but based on the need we may be able to add it to our discussion.
RQ: When you do Phase 1 and relocate residents, is it to another WHA property?
A: Let me share with you what we have done at Curtis, as we have empty apartments from other phases at Curtis, we now have been able to relocate phase 1 families to those, to keep them within their development, and by the time phase 1 is done they are able to return to the new apartment. Ideally, we would like to keep folks within the same development, however, it is a challenge because this is a smaller development with limited vacancies. Secondly, there at times with the relocation when residents are offered a Section 8 voucher. They can go live and return once their development is completed. They can also have the option of permanently relocating to their temporary unit.
RQ: How many bedrooms will the apartments have?
A: We have not finalized with the concept design the actual bedroom breakdown by building however there will be a one-to-one replacement for the current 1-2-3 bedrooms. We haven’t gotten to that stage with our architects but part of it will be addressed based on the need according to our waitlist. For the time being no 4 bedrooms are in the plans.
RQ: Will the playgrounds be bigger?
A: If the decision is to put a playground, it will not be what you have today. It will be improved and completely different.
RQ: What are we going to do to improve wheelchair-accessible units?
A: Currently we only have 2-units that are wheelchair accessible which doesn’t meet the need. We want to make sure we build more, and we are committed to building more.
RQ: A lot of our residents don’t speak English and some of the ender residents don’t have access to the website/internet, how can we give them access to the information?
A: We can ensure that all the materials get posted in Spanish, residents come into the management office very often, therefore this is another place where we can make the information available. We want to make sure our residents are informed so we will make sure we get the information to them. We’ve had Spanish interpreters at all meetings, and we’ll continue to ask and assist residents in translating.
RQ: We have a need for other languages, Arabic, and Vietnamese?
A: If there’s a need for other interpreting services, we want to meet that need. If there is a large contingency and there’s a need for Arabic, we will plan and accommodate. We recognize that it may not be in every language however we want all residents to be informed.
RQ: What area will be Phase 1?
A: We haven’t determined that 100% however, we are projecting to begin in the back. We will inform all residents when this is determined.
RQ: Is WHA going to increase security if we have more apartments?
A: Generally, we don’t measure security by the number of apartments. However, our job is to make sure that the property is safe and if there are issues contributing to the property not being safe, we address those. Lakeside unlike some other sites, is one of our quiet properties, but the goal is to have folks live in a safe and secure environment.
RQ: Will utilities be included?
A: Because the apartments are transforming into Project Base Vouchers which is a different funding source for us, rent will essentially be the same 30% for residents however residents are now projected to receive a utility allowance to contribute to their utility cost.
RQ: What kind of washers and dryers will we have?
A: We don’t know currently, but the goal is to have those answers as we continue to meet.
RQ: When relocated, will the move financially negatively impact her?
A: No, in some cases your rent may be less. The goal is for residents to not be negatively impacted or inconvenienced by this project.
RQ: In the next meeting will we be learning something different?
A: We want the meetings to be productive and want to bring residents current information. At some point the meetings will get spaced out to bring the latest information. All residents will be notified of all upcoming meetings, please encourage your neighbors to join us so we can answer all of your questions!
Lakeside Property Photos
Meet the Developers
With over 25 years of multifamily housing experience, Mr. Mazzocchi is responsible for leading the development initiatives and asset management functions of Tremont Development. During his tenure at Boston Capital, he gained extensive expertise in both affordable and market rate multifamily housing sectors, including the investment of over $1 billion in communities throughout the US. Mr. Mazzocchi served as the Director of Acquisitions in Boston Capital’s market rate housing group and was involved in the acquisition/development of over 12,500 multifamily units representing $1.5 billion of assets. Mr. Mazzocchi received BS in Finance from Babson College and an MBA from Northeastern University.
With more than 20 years of real estate development experience in northeast markets un her belt, Eliza founded E3 Development in 2018 to pursue development opportunities and related advisory roles. The company focuses on affordable and mixed-income residential projects, responding to the needs and priorities of local communities. Previously charged with directing real estate development activities for The Community Builders, she oversaw a $1-billion pipeline of affordable and mixed-income housing projects in the New England region.