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Our Mission Board of Commissioners Staff Listing Contact Us

Our Mission


Providing Housing, Building Futures

The mission of the Worcester Housing Authority is to enhance the Worcester community by creating
and sustaining decent, safe, and affordable housing that champions stability and self-sufficiency for our residents.

Our Core Values:

We develop relationships that make a positive impact on our customers' lives.

We take pride in our work and in delivering a safe, sound, and secure home to our residents.

We work together, across departments, to service the needs of our customers.

We treat everyone we encounter with respect and dignity.

We hold ourselves personally accountable for delivering on our commitments.

We provide a positive and encouraging environment for our staff and our customers in order to help them succeed.

Meet our Board of Commissioners

The WHA is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners, made up of a housing authority resident, as well as a member appointed by the Governor of Massachusetts and four members who are appointed by the Worcester City Manager and confirmed by the Worcester City Council. Additionally, as directed by the City Council, one member must be a representative of an organized labor union.

The five-member WHA Board of Commissioners oversees the WHA's overall direction. Board members approve all significant contract awards, budget decisions, formal submissions to state and federal funding agencies, planning and reporting documents, major policy decisions, and many other important matters.

The WHA’s Board of Commissioners meets monthly, on the third Thursday of each month. Board meetings are generally held in the Conference Room of The WHA’s Executive Office at 630A Plantation Street. Commissioners are appointed for five year terms. The City Council has determined that no commissioner shall be appointed to serve more than two terms, or ten years.

The following are the current members of the Worcester Housing Authority's Board of Commissioners:

Joseph P. Carlson


Appointment 12-08-2015 | Term ending 11-30-2025

Joseph P. Carlson previously served on the Worcester Housing Authority Board of Commissioners from 1995-2005; most of the years he served as Chairman. He was reappointed in 2015, and currently serves as the Chairperson. Joe is currently the President of the Central MA AFL-CIO, and serves on the boards of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, the United Way of Central Massachusetts, and has served on the board of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership.

Joseph M. Capone


Appointment 11-29-2016 | Term ending 11-21-2026

Joseph M. Capone is a state appointee to the Worcester Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, appointed in 2016. He currently serves on the Public Education Nominating Council, the Board of CSX Transportation, and formerly served as President of the East Side Improvement Club. Joseph previously served as Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee for 10 years and Chairman of the Board of the DCU Center.

Jose Ramos


Appointment 03-22-2016 | Term ending 11-30-2026

Jose Ramos was appointed to the Worcester Housing Authority Board of Commissioners in 2016 and serves as the Tenant Representative. He works with resident leaders from 14 WHA properties, attending tenant meetings, crime watch meetings and jurisdiction wide Resident Council meetings and advocates on behalf of WHA tenants.

William J. Eddy


Appointment 01-25-2017 | Term ending 11-30-2027

William J. Eddy was appointed to the Worcester Housing Authority Board of Commissioners in 2017. He is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Association of Early Education and Care. William formerly served as an elected City Councilor for District 5 from 2008-2013.

Rané Bracey-Westbrook


Appointment 11-14-2017 | Term ending 11-30-2027

Rané Bracey-Westbrook was appointed to the Worcester Housing Authority Board of Commissioners from October 2017 - October 2022. Commissioner Bracey-Westbrook has an extensive background in the nonprofit sector. Her commitment to the industry was reinforced by earning both her Nonprofit Management professional certificate and her Graduate Degree from Harvard University. She currently is employed as a Senior Director for a nationally recognized nonprofit organization, where she co-leads the efforts of the DEI policy subcommittee developing best practices supporting an equitable work environment. In her spare time, she volunteers as a Director of Fund Development for a local homeless youth center. Commissioner Bracey-Westbrook is passionate about giving back to her community and advocates for those most in need.

Staff Listing

Chief Executive Officer Alex Corrales
Chief Operating Officer Peter Proulx
Chief Financial Officer Celia Milios
Chief Services Officer Richard A. Menard III
Chief Administrative Officer Tiffany Shliapa
Chief Facilities Management Officer Steve Alvarez
Chief Resident Programs Officer Edlin Ortiz
General Counsel Suzanne Chung
Vice-President of Accounting Lynn Dipilato
Vice-President of Admissions Cheryl Bowden
Vice-President of Resident Services Erin Wilson
Vice-President of Technology Services Michael A. Vecchi, Jr.
Vice-President of Leased Housing Nada Sanchez
Vice-President of Maintenance Gregory Christo
Vice-President of Modernization Mark Verdini 
Vice-President of Procurement David Coderre
Vice-President of Property Management Jeysa Nortey
Vice-President of Public Safety Dan Peltier
Vice-President of RCAT Robert Penagos

Contact Us


For general questions, please email us at questions@worcesterha.org or complete the on-line web form [Click Here]

To file an anonymous tip, please email us at tipline@worcesterha.org

For non-emergencies you can email the Public Safety Department at psd@worcesterha.org


Department Phone Fax
Main Number 508-635-3000 508-635-3186
Admissions 508-635-3300 508-635-3190
Executive Office 508-635-3106 508-635-3186
A Better Life Program 508-635-3274  
Family Self Sufficiency 508-635-3274  
Finance 508-635-3110 508-635-3187
Grants 508-635-3167  
Human Resources 508-635-3158 508-635-3186
Leased Housing (Section 8) 508-635-3148 508-635-3191
Legal 508-635-3159  
Maintenance 508-635-3200 508-635-3294
Modernization 508-635-3302 508-798-4627
Public Safety 508-635-3208 508-681-4760
Purchasing 508-635-3202 508-635-3289
Central-West Regional Capital Assistance Team (CW RCAT) 508-635-3330  
Resident Services / ROSS 508-635-3306 508-421-3316
Technology Services 508-635-3445 508-798-4591
TDD 508-798-4530  
Step Up 508-635-3255  

Property Management Offices

Department Phone Fax
Curtis Management Office
81 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605

Booth Apartments
Curtis Apartments
Lincoln Park Tower
GBV Management Office
69 Tacoma Street, Worcester, MA 01605

GBV Gardens 
Lakeside Management Office
30 Lakeside Avenue, Worcester, MA 01603

Lakeside Apartments
Webster Square Tower East
Webster Square Tower West
Murray Avenue Management Office
50 Murray Avenue, Worcester, MA 01610

Curran Terrace Apartments
Greenwood Gardens
Lafayette Place
Addison Apartments
Murray Avenue Apartments
Wellington Apartments
Mayside Apartments
Hooper Apartments
North & Providence Street Apartments
Pleasant Street Management Office
275 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA 01609

Elm Park Tower
Main South Gardens
Mill Pond Ext. Apartments
Mill Pond Apartments
Pleasant Tower
Southwest Gardens
Lewis Street
Belmont Tower
Scattered Sites

WHA Offices

Department Location Phone Number
Accounting 630A Plantation Street 508-635-3110
Admissions 630A Plantation Street 508-635-3300
Executive 630A Plantation Street 508-635-3106
Family Services 81 Tacoma Street 508-635-3274
Resident Services 45 Freedom Way 508-635-3306
Human Resources 630A Plantation Street 508-635-3158
Leased Housing (Section 8) 630A Plantation Street 508-635-3148
Legal 630A Plantation Street 508-635-3159
Maintenance 660 Lincoln Street 508-635-3302
Modernization 630A Plantation Street 508-635-3302
Public Safety 630A Plantation Street 508-635-3208
Purchasing 660 Lincoln Street 508-635-3202
Technology Services 630A Plantation Street 508-635-3445


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM