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Family & Resident Services Education & Job Placement Apprenticeship Program

Employment Readiness and Placement Program


“The biggest challenge for many area employers
is finding qualified and trainable entry-level employees.
The WHA’s ABL program can be a valuable resource.”

Tim Murray Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce

Public housing developments are among the most economically challenged neighborhoods in the United States. In fact, public housing residents face obstacles to employment even beyond those normally experienced by other low-income people.

To address this problem in Worcester the WHA launched its ambitious A Better Life (ABL) employment readiness and placement program in February 2015. ABL is an aggressive program for clients with access to resources aimed at promoting self-sufficiency.

When you hire one of our candidates, you are hiring more than a faceless resume. You’re hiring someone who is eager and motivated to gain meaningful employment to help move them to reach their goal of becoming self-sufficient and move out of public housing. You can expect the same work ethic, experience and responsibility you would seek from any good employee.

The candidates we send you will be vetted by our Employment Specialist to be sure that they meet the agreed upon standards of the employer. The Employment Specialist and Family Life Coach (case manager) will work with the applicant, after they become employed, to help ensure that the candidates are successful.

We are prepared to provide you and your HR staff with pre-screened and pre-qualified applicants who have participated in our employment readiness programs. Many of these applicants have already worked as apprentices or interns and have specific training that helps prepare them for you. You and your hiring team will interview the pre-screened applicants and select the best person to suit your needs.

    - Pre-screened, pre-qualified candidates
    - No fees associated with hiring our candidates
    - Background support from WHA

What we are requesting from employers:
    - A commitment to an initial available position for placement
    - To provide training and a clear career path for employee to advance and earn a higher wage
    - To keep an open direct line of communication with WHA Employment Specialist

Support to employers after placement:
    - Background support in the form of case management and coaching
    - Arrangement for additional basic training if needed in a specific area (customized to company)
    - Ongoing communication to include quarterly review phone call

We are excited about the opportunity to meet with you and your hiring team to discuss how we could build a great partnership.

Join the growing number of area employers
who have hired one of our participants!

If you are interested in setting up an appointment to meet and get started, please contact us at:

Worcester Housing Authority
Employment Training Program
Phone: (508) 635-3357
Email: HGonzalez@worcesterha.org


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM