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Family & Resident Services

Special Housing


Housing for People With Disabilities

The Worcester Housing Authority provides housing opportunities for individuals and families with disabilities. Our handicapped accessible apartments meet all federal and state guidelines. The following reflects the various programs available.

Federal Public Housing
The WHA provides federally funded public housing for people with disabilities where the head of household or spouse has a disability and is income eligible. The WHA has a number of studio, one and two-bedroom apartments in its federally subsidized communities to offer applicants who fit this criteria.

State Public Housing
State funded public housing is open to households where one member of the household has a disability and meets the prescribed income requirements. For this program, however, there is a limit to the number of non-elderly disabled people with disabilities who are allowed to rent in specific communities.

Special Needs Housing
Chapter 689 housing is public housing for adults with special needs. The program was established to serve people with a wide variety of needs. The WHA contracts with the Massachusetts Departments of Mental Health and Department of Developmental Services that have created group homes for adults with mental disabilities.

Alternative Housing Voucher Program
The Alternative Housing Voucher Program is a state-funded voucher program that provides vouchers to people with disabilities who are under 60 years of age, and their families, who are on the waiting lists for state public elderly/disabled housing. Voucher holders are restricted to the amount of rent that they may pay for an apartment.

DMH Rental Assistance Program
The Department of Mental Health (DMH) operates a state-funded rental subsidy program. You must be eligible for state public housing tenant selection criteria and also be in need of supportive residential services as determined by DMH.

DMH/DDS Project-based Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
The WHA provides housing assistance to units owned or operated by the Massachusetts Departments of Mental Health and Department of Developmental Services. The owners of the property contract with the WHA and guaranty that they will provide affordable housing opportunities for a specified period of time for clients of DMH and DMR.


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM