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Public Safety

Filing A Complaint


To keep our communities safe, we need to rely on the support and cooperation of every resident. That means that if you see or hear something relating to a crime or potential crime you need to report it. When calling to report a crime or potential crime, please be prepared to provide as much information including, but not limited to:

    - Type of crime
    - Location including exact street address and nearest cross street
    - Time of occurrence
    - Weapons used
    - Number of persons injured and types of injuries
    - Vehicle information including type, license number, color, year, make, model, unusual characteristics (e.g., dents, bumper stickers), number of persons, etc.
    - Suspect information including race, gender, age, height, weight, hair color, hair length and style, eye color, facial hair, clothing type and color, other characteristics (e.g., tattoos, missing teeth, scars, glasses), direction of flight, etc.

All Emergencies
For any emergency, you should call 911 immediately! Do not wait or call a WHA phone number to report an emergency. Calling the WHA will only delay the response of emergency personnel. After you have called 911, you may want to contact the WHA Department of Public Safety or your Housing Manager to provide additional information that may help us. But, remember to call 911 first.

The WHA has a Department of Public Safety that investigates a range of criminal matters, potential crimes and violation of federal and state regulations. For non-emergencies you can contact the Public Safety Department at:

Worcester Housing Authority
Public Safety Department
Phone: (508) 635-3208
Email: psd@worcesterha.org

The following are a few examples of some of the things that might be reported.

    - Background information on emergencies already reported by calling 911.
    - Past instances of graffiti or other vandalism.
    - Illegal trash dumping on WHA properties. Please provide date, time, plate number, description of person committing the illegal dumping, and a description of rubbish dumped.
    - To report unauthorized occupants, fraud or instances of fraud in WHA properties.

The Worcester Police Department should be contacted at 508-799-8606 for non-emergency criminal matters. Those calls might include:

    - Home burglaries in which the suspect is gone from the scene.
    - Open or broken doors or windows.
    - Stolen checks and credit cards -- also call the financial institutions involved to have them stop payments of checks and verifications of charges.
    - Impersonation and stolen identification, e.g., drivers license.
    - Auto theft and vandalism.
    - Hit and run accidents with no injuries.
    - Minors violating curfew.
    - Loud parties, or music in vehicles or apartments.
    - Road hazards that don't require immediate attention.
    - Past instances of child or elder abuse.
    - Runaway juvenile or missing adult who does not need special care.
    - Car or building alarms.
    - Underage drinking.

Your Housing Manager
Any violation of your lease or of federal or state regulations should be reported to your Housing Manager.

    - The existence of people living in our communities who are not officially listed on the lease.
    - Damage to WHA property.
    - Unreported income constituting fraud.

Report Illegal Dumping of Trash
Each day we struggle to keep our properties clean. We also work hard to keep our costs down. Unfortunately, outsiders who are not residents of the WHA are making things more difficult by illegally dumping trash on our property.

One of the most common forms of illegal dumping is when non-residents use WHA dumpsters for their trash. This dumping costs the WHA money. That means that we have less money to spend on services for our residents.

We need your help to solve the problem. Here's what you can do to help.

    - Get Information – If you see someone dumping illegally, take down their license plate number, time of day, description and any other information that might help us locate the offenders.
    - Call the Public Safety Department – Let us know whenever you are aware of illegal dumping. We will conduct an investigation.
    - Collect your REWARD! – The WHA offers tenants a reward for information that leads to a fine being paid by an illegal dumper.

Worcester Housing Authority
Public Safety Department
Phone: (508) 635-3208
Email: psd@worcesterha.org

This is your community. Help us keep it clean and save money for our residents.

We Tip Line
The WHA participates in a nationally recognized “We Tip” line. By calling 1-800-782-7463 any resident can anonymously report information relating to any criminal activity. Bilingual operators will give the caller a case number so that they may call back at a later date to report additional information or to check on the status of a case. Callers may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.

To protect your community, we need your help and support. If you have information that might be helpful to us, please take a few moments to call. It’s your community!


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM