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Apply For Public Housing

If you are interested in applying for the public housing programs administered by the Worcester Housing Authority, you can apply in one of two ways:

    - You can complete a written application that must be filed at our Admission Department located at 630 Plantation Street in Worcester, or
You can apply online by clicking HERE

We will need to collect the following information to determine your eligibility:

    - Names of all persons who will reside in the unit, their sex, date of birth, social security numbers, if applicable, and relationship to the head of household;

    - Your current phone number, home address and mailing address (if different);

    - Family characteristics (e.g., veteran) or circumstances (e.g., living in substandard housing) that might qualify the family for tenant selection preferences;

    - Names and addresses of your current and previous landlords for information about your family's suitability as a tenant;

    - An estimate of your family's anticipated income for the next twelve months and the sources of that income;

    - The names and addresses of employers, banks, and any other information the WHA would need to verify your income, assets and any applicable deductions, and to verify the family composition.

You will need to provide documentation (e.g., birth certificates, tax returns) to verify the information given on your application. The WHA will also rely on direct verification from your employer, etc. You will be asked to sign a form to authorize release of pertinent information to the WHA.

The WHA has now adopted the use of one universal application for federal public housing and most leased housing programs. Paper applications can be obtained in our Admissions Department.

Apply for State Public Housing or Mass Rental Voucher

- To apply online on CHAMP click HERE

- To download a paper application you can either click HERE or go to any Local Housing Authority

Apply For Section 8 Vouchers / Leased Housing Programs

The WHA administers close to 4,000 rental vouchers under the federally aided Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. These vouchers provide families an opportunity to rent an apartment in the private housing market while still benefiting from a housing subsidy.

Since 2006, the WHA has been a member of the MassNAHRO Section 8 Voucher Centralized Waiting List. With numerous Massachusetts housing authorities utilizing this one computerized list; all applicant information entered onto this list can be accessed and updated by any and all participating housing authorities providing WHA Section 8 applicants more chances of obtaining a Section 8 voucher. Applicants need apply to only one of the participating housing authorities.

If you are interested in applying for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program, please click here and follow the instructions to apply.

You will be able to apply in the following ways:

    - Online
    - Downloading and printing a paper application


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM