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Family & Resident Services Education & Job Placement Training Program



The Worcester Housing Authority has 4 state recognized apprenticeship programs, Landscape Technician, Apartment Preparation, Clerical and Custodial. WHA recruits, hire, and train candidates as required by the state. Through the apprentice training program, an individual receives paid on-the-job training (OJT) along with related classroom instruction. A trained journey worker (mentor) supervises the OJT. This mentor follows a written work process specific to the occupation.

Some of the trainings available to the apprentices are:

Apartment Prep
    - Equipment – Maintenance and Repair
    - Chemical Properties
    - Pest Control
    - Safety
    - Sanitation
    - Plant identification
    - Landscape construction Techniques
    - Landscape Irrigation
    - Landscape management
    - Small engine maintenance and repair
    - Customer Service
    - Computer Software
    - Ledgers and Reports
    - Accounts Receivable
    - Collection Efforts
    - Care and Use of Tools and Equipment
    - Test, Inspect and repair electrical equipment
    - Plumbing
    - Carpentry
    - Painting
    - Preventative Maintenance

For most apprentices, this may well be their first full-time, long-term position. As a result, the program is structured to teach basic employment skills and technical skills that will position each apprentice for long term employment. The program focus is to provide trade skills knowledge and experience and teach apprentices how to become valuable and reliable employees.


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM