Fixing a Problem

Don't Wait
If you have a problem the best time to call us is right away. If you wait, the problem will only get worse and that makes it more difficult for us.
Don't Tell Us in the Hallway
Even if you see a maintenance person or your Housing Manager walking in the hallway, do not stop and tell them about the problem. If they forget or get busy working on something else you could be waiting indefinitely.
Do Call Our Maintenance Number
Always report a maintenance request by calling our Maintenance Control Center at (508) 635-3200. Your request will be entered into our computer system and we can track our progress. When calling:
Do Remember
Do Answer Our Quality Survey
To ensure the highest level of customer service we ask our residents to tell us how well we performed. Each month we randomly select 100 residents who have had recent maintenance work and send them a Customer Service Survey. If you get a survey, please take a few minutes to complete the survey. It will help us do a better job.