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Family & Resident Services

WHA Resident Programs


WHA provides an array of resident services and programs that assist residents by providing opportunities for self-sufficiency, health and wellness, education, access to afterschool support and summer recreational programs. Resident Services office serves as the liaison between the WHA and its Resident Councils and to the communities within each WHA development. WHA also serves to link residents to community resources. Self-Sufficiency programs provides support and resources with the guidance of a coach/case manager to assist residents to reach economic independence and self-sufficiency, even homeownership, through hard work and consistent support

Resident Services

Resident Services manages programs that assist residents by providing opportunities for health and wellness, education, afterschool activities and summer recreational programs. Resident Services serves as a link to community resources such as food pantries and providing bags of emergency food when needed. The office is open to all WHA residents who need access to fax or copier. For further details click this link:

Worcester Housing Authority
Erin Wilson
Phone: (508) 635-3306
Office: 45 Freedom Way, Worcester, MA
Email: wilson@worcesterha.org

Self-Sufficiency Programs
A Better Life (ABL)

ABL is both an intensive programs for state aided residents in which families’ works closely with a Family Life Coach (FLC), to identify and work on short- and long-term goals in five areas: education, employment, finance, health and personal. WHA puts money aside that would normally go to a rent increase and saves it for the participant for their own future use once they complete all their goals. For further details click this link:

Worcester Housing Authority
Family & Resident Services
Phone: (508) 635-3271
Office: 81 Tacoma Street Worcester, MA
Email: questions@worcesterha.org

Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) - Public Housing and Section 8

The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program is a voluntary program designed to help participating households increase their earned income through educational, employment, and financial services and training. Families participating in this program will receive individualized case management services to assist them in overcoming any barriers that block their path to success. Furthermore, the FSS program allows participants to save money when their rent increases as a result of increased earned income in the family. The WHA will make these deposits on their behalf, which the family will receive upon successful completion of the program.

Worcester Housing Authority
Family Services
Phone: (508) 635-3262
Office: 81 Tacoma Street Worcester, MA
Email: questions@worcesterha.org

Resident Opportunities & Self-Sufficiency (ROSS)

ROSS provides residents with assistance, support and referrals without the long-term involvement required by other programs. These services include, but are not limited to, enrolling in ESL/Hi-SET, applying for Mass Health, creating a professional resume, applying for employment. For further details click this link:

Worcester Housing Authority
Family & Resident Services
Phone: (508) 635-3271
Office: 45 Freedom Way Worcester, MA
Email: questions@worcesterha.org

All adult education classes & self-sufficiency programs are provided at no cost.


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM