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Family & Resident Services

Resident Services for Seniors & Disabled Residents


Along with providing safe, clean, affordable housing, the Worcester Housing Authority is committed to doing all that it can to improve the quality of our resident's lives. Our hope is that, as we do our job, we can make each resident's life better, easier and more meaningful.

If you are interested in receiving more information about the programs mentioned below, please contact us at:

Worcester Housing Authority
Family & Resident Services
Phone: (508) 635-3271
Office: 34 Great Brook Valley Avenue, Suite 2
Email: questions@worcesterha.org


Join Your Resident Council

Most of our communities have an active and enthusiastic Resident Council. The Resident Council allows community residents to join together and provide a range of recreational and social opportunities for all residents. They also work directly with the WHA to help us make decisions that affect the community. Every resident is encouraged to become an active member of his or her community Resident Council.

Senior Center Transportation

Through a generous grant from the City of Worcester, the WHA is able to offer residents at our four senior-only developments FREE transportation to the Worcester Senior Center.

The Worcester Senior Center provides our residents an opportunity to get out of their apartments and socialize with their peers. The plethora of activities offered are both physically and mentally stimulating which has a direct correlation relative to good health and continued independence.

The Center’s focus on wellness is evident with the clinics and seminars that are offered relative to health and nutrition are extremely beneficial to our residents. The well balanced meal that is available provides some with a maybe the only nutritious meal of the day. The communal meal provides an additional opportunity for socialization which is a vital component to our resident’s physical and emotional wellbeing.

Please visit the senior center to take advantage of this program and make new friends.

Visit our Health Fairs

Each of our communities has access to a WHA sponsored health fair to provide our residents with a variety of on-site health care services. WHA residents will be able to receive various services including blood pressure checks, diabetic testing, medication therapy management, and nutrition counseling.

Please check out our events page to see updates on when the health fair is coming to your building.

Nutrition Programs

No resident of the WHA should ever be hungry, ever. We provide a wide range of nutrition programs designed to meet the specific needs of our residents and a particular community. The following programs are offered:

    - Food Pantry Trips. For those residents who find that they are running short of food, the WHA schedules trips to area food pantries.
    - Emergency Food

Visit Your Social Service Coordinator

Our senior and senior/disabled communities have the services of a professional trained social service coordinator. Each of our social service coordinators holds regular office hours and is available to assist any resident who thinks that he or she might benefit from some help.


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM