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Fraud Information


The vast majority of our residents do their very best to follow the rules. Unfortunately, there are a few who abuse their housing assistance and commit fraud against the taxpayers who support our program. The Worcester Housing Authority takes fraud and abuse of the Public Housing and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher programs very seriously. The WHA is taking an aggressive approach to investigate and prosecute abusers of the program.

The WHA is not only evicting residents or terminating housing assistance from the abuser, but is seeking restitution for over-paid housing assistance from them. Some cases have been turned over to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General and the District Attorney's office for possible criminal prosecution.

View Dishonest Tenants Flyer

View Identity Theft Flyer

Examples of some of the cases are as follows:

    - Not reporting persons living with you, i.e. spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, adult child;
    - Not reporting all family income;
    - Owning property or having an interest in property;
    - Children listed on lease, but not actually living in unit;
    - Not using subsidized unit as principle place to reside;
    - Illegally renting from a family member;

The WHA receives the information that a participant is abusing the program from all sources including:

    - Landlords
    - Anonymous letters or tips
    - Information from other agencies
    - Conflicting information in file
    - Ex-spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, family members, neighbors, friends, employers
    - Newspaper articles
    - Arrests reports

If you have been violating your responsibilities under the Public Housing or Section 8 Program, chances are you will eventually be caught. You may be evicted or terminated and recommended for criminal prosecution. We strongly advise that you come forward and declare any unreported activity to the WHA. By reporting the activity yourself, we can resolve the problem.

If you would like to report a change, please contact your Housing Manager or your Program Representative.

If you would like to report fraud relating to someone else, you can report it anonymously by email or phone at:

Worcester Housing Authority
Public Safety Department
Phone: (508) 635-3208
Email: psd@worcesterha.org
630A Plantation Street, Worcester, MA 01605

All complaints and tips are fully investigated by one of our Public Safety staff.


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM