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Curtis Redevelopment Project


We are excited about the reimagination of Curtis Apartments, a four-phased project that will not only replace all existing apartments but add 157 new units. On this page, you’ll get answers to question like, “Why redevelop?” You’ll be able to scroll through renderings and photos of major events such as the groundbreaking and demolition of Curtis. We’ll give you answers to Frequently Asked Questions, links to news coverage of the project, and more. Most importantly, we have an “UPDATES” section to keep you abreast of the latest news related to the project, including roadwork, future demolition, etc. You can reach out with questions anytime by emailing curtisredevelopment@worcesterha.org.

Completed in 1952, Curtis Apartments is the second-oldest property in our portfolio, just a few years younger than Lakeside apartments. Curtis consists of 372 units approaching 75 years in age. The property lacks the amenities necessary for residents to enjoy the quality of life they deserve. The WHA Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to hire Trinity Financial, which oversaw the transition of the old Worcester County Courthouse into the new Courthouse Lofts residential living space at Lincoln Square. The Curtis Redevelopment Project will replace all existing apartments and create new apartments, for a total of 527 modern units. It will include greater accessibility, including the addition of roughly 50 wheelchair accessible units; increased park and open spaces; and the new Economic Opportunity Center.


  • The project will create 527 total units

  • All buildings will be built to stretch code standards to achieve higher energy savings and will feature elevators, new sprinkler systems, central air conditioning and heating, and other amenities

  • Project construction starting in 2024 through four phases to be completed by 2032.

  • Phase 1 construction includes demolition of buildings 30-34, 36-50 and 52-58 GBV Ave and is expected to conclude by February 2025.

  • Each phase is expected to start within 18 months of completion of the prior phase.


    Week of February 24 - February 28

    Building 1A

  • Snow and ice clean up.

  • Fourth-floor decking.

  • Rough construction in stairwells.

  • First-floor rough plumbing.

  • Sprinklers ongoing moving to second floor shortly.

  • Building 1B

  • Snow and ice clean up.

  • First-floor rough framing.

  • Layout, framing for second floor.

  • Reminder

  • Parking along Great Brook Valley Ave is prohibited by the City of Worcester.

  • General Notices

  • Please use caution around the construction site as heavy equipment is still in operation.

  • Please Note: The roadway at the end of the cul-de-sac at Curtis Apartments and Tacoma Street is for construction entry purposes ONLY.

  • Bus service continues as usual.

  • Current Property Photos



    FAQ's on Relocation
    Posted: 9/22/2023

    Phase 1 Relocation FAQ Curtis with EO and AC comments rev LM 8-15-22
    Posted: 9/22/2023

    PWHA - Development - Curtis - Relocation - FAQ - Residents 9.20.22 Trinity-
    Posted: 9/22/2023

    Spanish - Phase 1 Relocation FAQ Curtis
    Posted: 9/22/2023

    Meet the Developer



    Trinity Financial was founded in 1987, concentrating on the development of urban sites in the Northeast. The company tackles residential and commercial projects and is particularly skilled at dealing with sites facing political, infrastructure, environmental or market profile challenges. Trinity Management was founded in 2012 and oversees property management.

    News & Press Releases

    Curtis Apartments Redevelopment Phase II among projects approved for 2024 Affordable Housing Development Grant Awards
    The WHA is pleased to announce it has been approved for funding of Phase II redevelopment of Curtis Apartments. The estimated total coast of Phase II is $140 million. A grant amount has not yet been announced. Posted: 7/01/2024

    Addressing housing crisis: $98M overhaul to Great Brook Valley block breaks ground
    A $98 million redevelopment plan that aims to overhaul a Great Brook Valley block will soon be underway to demolish and replace Curtis Apartments with 129 units Posted: 6/12/2024

    ‘Phoenix’ to rise in Great Brook Valley as demolition of Curtis Apartments begins
    Worcester is no different than many communities where authorities are addressing the growing need to house the homeless, according to Alex Corrales, executive director of Worcester Housing Authority. Posted: 6/12/2024

    Worcester apartments to receive $178M renovation, adding 100 new units
    Curtis Apartments, a 372-unit complex located on Great Brook Valley Avenue in Worcester, will undergo a $178-million redevelopment, and add 100 additional units, the Worcester Housing Authority announced on Saturday. Posted: May/2024

    City Council to consider proposed Great Brook Valley TIF area to support Curtis Apartments
    The City Council is scheduled to hear a request to file an application with the state for an Urban Center Housing Tax Increment Financing plan for 16 and 52 Great Brook Valley Ave., an area that includes Curtis Apartments, Lincoln Village and Lincoln Plaza. Posted: Feb/2022

    Worcester Housing Authority overhauling Curtis Apartments complex
    With help from a new round of grants from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development, one of Worcester's oldest affordable housing developments will be getting a major overhaul over the coming years. Posted: 5/23/2023

    New housing secretary Augustus announces $246M investment in 27 projects, five in region
    State, federal funds combined with tax credits will boost housing starts in 20 Massachusetts communities; projects have already been launched and will add 1,600 units to the state's low-income stock. Posted: 5/19/2023

    Four Worcester County Affordable Housing Projects Receive State Funding
    Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development awarded $246 million in state grants to four projects in Worcester County, including Curtis Apartments in Worcester. Posted: 5/19/2023

    Healey-Driscoll Administration announces $246 million to build and preserve 1,600 affordable and mixed-income housing units
    Today, the Healey-Driscoll Administration awarded $246 million in direct subsidies and state and federal housing tax credits to build and preserve nearly 1,600 affordable homes throughout Massachusetts. Posted: 5/18/2023

    Worcester receives $4.2 million from state for economic development
    Posted: 12/6/2022

    Worcester granted $2.5M for $178M affordable housing project
    The Worcester Housing Authority was granted $2.5 million for site and public infrastructure improvements by the state’s MassWorks Infrastructure Program for the redevelopment of the Curtis Apartments on Great Brook Valley Avenue in Worcester. Posted: 10/31/2022

    $178M Overhaul Planned For Worcester's Curtis Apartments Property
    The Great Brook Valley public housing development will add about 100 units, according to the Worcester Housing Authority. Posted: 2/1/2022

    Details still scant but Worcester mayor wants partner WHA large scale housing development
    Posted: 2/2/2022

    Developer selected for Worcester Housing Authority's $178 million Curtis Apartments redevelopment
    The Worcester Housing Authority has chosen a developer to redevelop the Curtis Apartments in Worcester’s Great Brook Valley neighborhood. Posted: 2/1/2022

    $178M facelift planned at Worcester's Curtis Apartments in Great Brook Valley
    The Worcester Housing Authority this weekend unveiled a proposed $178 million redevelopment of Curtis Apartments and announced Trinity Financial — developer of the former Worcester County Courthouse in Lincoln Square — as its partner for the project. Posted: 2/1/2022

    Worcester apartments to receive $178M renovation, adding 100 new units
    Posted: 2/1/2022


    Curtis Apartments relocation plan Revised (DHCD Comments)10-17-22.docx (1) (1)

    Curtis Innovations - Resident Meeting Flyer - Final - EO

    Curtis Newsletter 12.21 Spanish

    Curtis Newsletter 12.21

    Curtis Newsletter Finalized Spanish_

    Curtis Newsletter Finalized


    Worcester Housing Authority
    630A Plantation Street
    Worcester, MA 01605
    Phone: 508-635-3000
    Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM