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Elm Park Tower - 425 Pleasant Street Update


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Page Last Updated: April 21, 2023 10:15AM (EST)


What Happened

On the evening of Saturday, February 4, 2023, the Worcester Housing Authority property located at 425 Pleasant Street (Elm Park Towers) had a pipe burst as a result of the unprecedented frigid temperatures in the area. This burst pipe flooded water into the building and many apartment units, quickly icing over and causing power system outages.

Elm Park Towers consists of 195 apartment units over 16 floors, housing almost 250 elders and persons with disabilities. All residents of the building have been safely evacuated and are currently staying with family, friends, or have been placed by the WHA in hotels while the building is repaired and restored.

Latest Updates - 03.13.2023 @ 10:00AM

The WHA is excited to report that residents will be returning to their homes starting Wednesday, March 15, 2023. A planned phased return will continue through Friday, March 17, 2023. WHA notified residents regarding the day and time that they will be allowed to return to their unit. If a resident is not staying in a hotel, and wishes to move back into their unit after Friday, we ask that you please contact the management office. This will be a coordinated effort with WHA staff and our residents. We would like to thank our residents for their continued cooperation and patience during this time, as we get everyone back into their homes.

Latest Updates - 02.28.2023 @ 3:45PM

The WHA is happy to report that repairs to the building continue to be on schedule of the initial 6 week timeline. Our goal is that the building will be ready to allow residents to return to their apartments by the middle of March. We hope to continue to progress with the repairs and not have any setbacks to the current timeline. The WHA is already making plans to coordinate the return of residents and once we have all the approvals from the City, we will communicate with residents directly.

The WHA has established a fund to accept charitable monetary donations to be used to assist our residents during their displacement. Please see the top of this page to donate. Many of these residents, all of whom are either elderly and/or persons with disabilities, have only a small amount of their personal belongings with them. The WHA is grateful for the outpouring of support from the community. All donations will be used to assist residents with their daily needs, such as food, clothing, transportation, cleaning supplies, household supplies, and other items to bring them comfort during their temporary stays and upon return to their homes. To donate, click here.

The Worcester Housing Authority will have completed transitioning all residents who were temporarily placed in hotels into longer-term temporary housing while they wait for building repairs to be completed. This effort, completed over the course of one week, included assisting residents in gathering necessary belongings from their apartments and providing them with a pantry bag of both perishable and non-perishable food and household items to get them started in their new space.

The WHA will provide shuttle service to residents at long-term stay hotels outside of Worcester/WRTA service areas. A flyer with the schedule has been provided to those residents at check-in and may be requested through the designated WHA hotel liaison assigned to each hotel (if a resident is unsure who their hotel liaison is, please contact the hotel front desk for that information). To reserve a ride on the shuttle to Worcester, residents must call (508) 635-3200. Residents do not need to make reservations for the weekly grocery store shuttle.

Now that construction efforts in the building are well underway, access to apartment units will be strictly limited for safety reasons and to prevent any unnecessary delays in the construction process. If there is an emergency reason that a resident needs to gain access to their apartment before the repairs to the building are complete, they are asked to contact the property management office to determine if the request can be met.
Progress on the building repairs are going well and the WHA has full hope that all will continue on the timeline laid out by our contractors, as planned, barring any unexpected surprises.

Per the Post Office:
During the displacement, residents can pick up their mail from the post office (located at 4 East Central Street, Worcester), Monday through Friday between 9:00a.m. and 12:00p.m. from the service window in the lobby. The resident must provide a valid photo ID to pick up their mail. If a resident is unable to pick up their own mail, they may send someone in their place with a signed letter from the resident giving permission to that person to pick-up their mail.
Residents should remember to update their delivery address when using apps or websites, such as Amazon, or other routine delivery services.

For the latest updates, please use this website: http://worcesterha.org/emergency.html, which is translatable into 140 languages. Daily communication is also being provided to all residents of the building through:

    Robocalls and text alerts in both English and Spanish to resident phone numbers on file;
    Periodic hand-delivered memos to residents staying in hotels;
    Daily updates via this dedicated website.

Residents who are not receiving robocalls and/or text alerts should contact the Property Management office at (508) 635-3002 or (508) 635-3003 to update their contact information with the WHA. Additionally, any resident that has not been in contact with the Property Management office at all should please check in with Property Management as soon as possible.

Latest Updates - 02.16.2023 @ 3:45PM

The WHA has established a fund to accept charitable monetary donations to be used to assist our residents during their displacement. Please see the top of this page to donate. Many of these residents, all of whom are either elderly and/or persons with disabilities, have only a small amount of their personal belongings with them. The WHA is grateful for the outpouring of support from the community. All donations will be used to assist residents with their daily needs, such as food, clothing, transportation, cleaning supplies, household supplies, and other items to bring them comfort during their temporary stays and upon return to their homes. To donate, click here.

The Worcester Housing Authority will have completed transitioning all residents who were temporarily placed in hotels into longer-term temporary housing while they wait for building repairs to be completed. This effort, completed over the course of one week, included assisting residents in gathering necessary belongings from their apartments and providing them with a pantry bag of both perishable and non-perishable food and household items to get them started in their new space.

The WHA will provide shuttle service to residents at long-term stay hotels outside of Worcester/WRTA service areas. A flyer with the schedule has been provided to those residents at check-in and may be requested through the designated WHA hotel liaison assigned to each hotel (if a resident is unsure who their hotel liaison is, please contact the hotel front desk for that information). To reserve a ride on the shuttle to Worcester, residents must call (508) 635-3200. Residents do not need to make reservations for the weekly grocery store shuttle.

Now that construction efforts in the building are well underway, access to apartment units will be strictly limited for safety reasons and to prevent any unnecessary delays in the construction process. If there is an emergency reason that a resident needs to gain access to their apartment before the repairs to the building are complete, they are asked to contact the property management office to determine if the request can be met.
Progress on the building repairs are going well and the WHA has full hope that all will continue on the timeline laid out by our contractors, as planned, barring any unexpected surprises.

Residents who receive SNAP Benefits have been connected with DTA to have their monthly benefit reimbursed to their account. The deadline to take advantage of that reimbursement was February 14, 2023. Any resident who was unable to connect with DTA by the deadline should contact DTA for further assistance at (877) 382-2363.
In addition to reimbursed SNAP benefits, the WHA has waived and/or reimbursed the monthly rent for 425 Pleasant Street residents for both February and March in order to assist residents in having additional funds for necessary needs during their displacement, such as food, transportation, and household items. Residents with questions about their reimbursement or to make arrangements to pick up a check should contact the property management office. Rent will not be collected in March for residents of 425 Pleasant Street.

Per the Post Office:
During the displacement, residents can pick up their mail from the post office (located at 4 East Central Street, Worcester), Monday through Friday between 9:00a.m. and 12:00p.m. from the service window in the lobby. The resident must provide a valid photo ID to pick up their mail. If a resident is unable to pick up their own mail, they may send someone in their place with a signed letter from the resident giving permission to that person to pick-up their mail.
Residents should remember to update their delivery address when using apps or websites, such as Amazon, or other routine delivery services.

For the latest updates, please use this website: http://worcesterha.org/emergency.html, which is translatable into 140 languages. Daily communication is also being provided to all residents of the building through:

    Robocalls and text alerts in both English and Spanish to resident phone numbers on file;
    Periodic hand-delivered memos to residents staying in hotels;
    Daily updates via this dedicated website.

Residents who are not receiving robocalls and/or text alerts should contact the Property Management office at (508) 635-3002 or (508) 635-3003 to update their contact information with the WHA. Additionally, any resident that has not been in contact with the Property Management office at all should please check in with Property Management as soon as possible.

Latest Updates - 02.10.2023 @ 11:50AM

Worcester Housing Authority has coordinated with residents for relocation to other hotels, until the repairs are complete on the building. The relocation of certain residents will occur on Friday, February 10, 2023 and Saturday, February 11, 2023. In between the transfer of the residents to their new accommodations, the transportation service will stop at 425 Pleasant Street for residents to obtain additional necessary belongings.

On Saturday, February 11, 2023, the building will be open from 8:00a.m.-4:30p.m., for residents to obtain necessary items from their apartments. No appointment is necessary. WHA staff will be present to assist the residents going to their apartments, retrieving items, and exiting the building. We are preparing the building for construction, and safety is a priority to WHA.

In order to ensure that our residents are taken care of, the WHA provided three meals a day to residents without a kitchen since the evacuation. This will continue through Sunday, February 12, 2023.
Residents who receive SNAP Benefits must contact DTA directly to report the loss of food, in order to have the monthly SNAP Benefit reimbursed to their account. The deadline to contact DTA is Tuesday, February 14, 2023, in order to take advantage of the reimbursement. Their phone number is 877-382-2363.
The WHA is waiving the monthly rent for February and March, so that our residents may use those funds for any necessary needs, such as food and household items. WHA will contact any resident, who has already paid through February, to obtain a refund on Monday, February 13, 2023. Residents with any questions about the rent refund may directly contact the management office.

Per the Post Office:
    Residents can pick up their mail starting today at the post office (4 E Central St, Worcester) Monday-Friday between 9:00a.m. and 12:00p.m. from the service window in the lobby;
    The resident must provide a valid photo ID to pick up their mail;

    If a resident is not able to pick up their own mail, whoever they are sending in their place must provide a letter from the resident giving permission to pick up their mail;

    The resident may appear daily or weekly to obtain their mail.

Residents with a personal vehicle are encouraged to relocate their vehicle to the location of their temporary stay. The WHA will be utilizing the parking area for construction.

For the latest updates, please use this website: http://worcesterha.org/emergency.html, which is translatable into 140 languages. Daily communication is also being provided to all residents of the building through:

    Robocalls and text alerts in both English and Spanish to resident phone numbers on file;
    Periodic hand-delivered memos to residents staying in hotels;
    Daily updates via this dedicated website.

Residents who are not receiving robocalls and/or text alerts should contact the Property Management office at (508) 635-3002 or (508) 635-3003 to update their contact information with the WHA. Additionally, any resident that has not been in contact with the Property Management office at all should please check in with Property Management as soon as possible.

The WHA has established the ability to accept monetary donations for our residents. Please see the top of this page to donate. All donations will go directly to the residents to assist with daily needs during their temporary stays and upon their return to their homes. Click here

Latest Updates - 02.07.2023 @ 4:14PM

Today, inspectors arrived onsite at 425 Pleasant Street to assess the damaged electrical, fire, and sprinkler systems. We are disappointed to learn that the electrical distribution system in the building has been damaged beyond repair and needs complete replacement throughout the entire 16 story building.

What the WHA had hoped would be a quick turnaround of 4-6 days will now become a 4-6 week restoration process as parts are ordered, contractors solicited, and electrical work completed. The safety and security of all residents remains the WHA’s top priority and teams are working closely with City of Worcester officials in order to ensure all residents of 425 Pleasant Street remain housed and are safe, secure, and receiving any and all resources needed while displaced.

The WHA is fully committed to ensuring all residents are taken care of throughout this process. The WHA Emergency Response Team is working quickly to coordinate longer-term lodgings for all residents currently in hotels. The WHA will also coordinate scheduling time for residents to safely access their units and collect enough belongings to sustain them through this longer-term stay.

Please note that the building is now a construction zone and, as a result, access to the building will be limited to normal business hours by appointment only. Residents and visitors should refrain from showing up to the building unannounced. Residents who wish to make an appointment to access their unit should contact the Property Management office at 508-635-3002 or 508-635-3003 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for assistance.

For the latest updates, please use this website: http://worcesterha.org/emergency.html, which is translatable into 140 languages. Daily communication is also being provided to all residents of the building through:

    Robocalls and text alerts in both English and Spanish to resident phone numbers on file;
    Periodic hand-delivered memos to residents staying in hotels;
    Daily updates via this dedicated website.

Residents who are not receiving robocalls and/or text alerts should contact the Property Management office at (508) 635-3002 or (508) 635-3003 to update their contact information with the WHA. Additionally, any resident that has not been in contact with the Property Management office at all should please check in with Property Management as soon as possible.

Latest Updates - 02.06.2023 @ 2:00PM

The WHA’s Maintenance and Modernization teams continue to work around the clock to assess the building’s electrical, fire, and sprinkler systems which were seriously impacted by this incident and to determine the level of repair required. Standing water and ice has been removed over the weekend, and the floors impacted by flooding are being dried out. Currently close to 90% of the entire building is dry.

Residents who need to get into the building to collect emergency personal items such as medication or other urgent items are asked to contact the Property Management office to make arrangements to be escorted to/from their unit to grab anything critical. For safety reasons, the building will otherwise remain closed and locked down while repairs are underway.

The WHA remains optimistic and hopes to be able to have systems repaired and restored over the next several days. In addition, the WHA is actively seeking outside vendors and contractors to assist with those repairs. Due to the high volume of incidents of this type across the region this weekend, this has been a challenge.

Three meals per day continue to be provided to all residents placed in hotels without a kitchen by the WHA. The WHA is grateful for the outpouring of support from the community, including local chefs, restaurants, and vendors that have stepped up to help. The WHA’s Food Matters meal delivery program has provided additional, supplemental, shelf-stable meals to each resident at hotels.

Many residents are also being supported by friends and family who have stepped up to ensure their loved ones are taken care of and that their dietary and medical needs are met.

For the latest updates, please use this website: http://worcesterha.org/emergency.html, which is translatable into 140 languages. Daily communication is also being provided to all residents of the building through:

    Robocalls and text alerts in both English and Spanish to resident phone numbers on file;
    Periodic hand-delivered memos to residents staying in hotels;
    Daily updates via this dedicated website.

Residents who are not receiving robocalls and/or text alerts should contact the Property Management office at (508) 635-3002 or (508) 635-3003 to update their contact information with the WHA. Additionally, any resident that has not been in contact with the Property Management office at all should please check in with Property Management as soon as possible.

A hotline at (508) 635-3338 has been established to receive voicemail messages for non-urgent questions and concerns related to the 425 Pleasant Street emergency. Messages received on the hotline will be triaged and responded to as soon as possible.

Residents of 425 Pleasant Street without a place to stay have been accommodated by the WHA at four nearby hotels:
    Holiday Inn Express, 110 Summer Street, Worcester, MA 01608
    Quality Inn & Suites, 50 Oriol Drive, Worcester, MA 01605;
    Comfort Inn Auburn-Worcester, 426 Southbridge Street, Auburn, MA 01501; and
    Residence Inn by Marriott Worcester, 503 Plantation Street, Worcester, MA 01605.
A WHA employee liaison has been assigned to each hotel to coordinate communication and confirm that residents receive updates as they are available.

WHA Response

WHA maintenance staff arrived immediately in response to the building alarms and were able to assess the situation, determine an evacuation was necessary, and call for back up. Shortly thereafter, a team of emergency evacuation of the entire building.
WHA personnel contacted a number of area hotels, reserving rooms for residents who needed them and coordinating transportation to those hotels with the assistance of City of Worcester officials and the WRTA. Worcester police, fire, and emergency medical personnel also arrived on scene to assist in ensuring all residents onsite were able to safely evacuate the building.

Hotel Information

Residents of 425 Pleasant Street without a place to stay have been accommodated at four nearby hotels:

Holiday Inn Express, 110 Summer Street, Worcester, MA 01608;
Quality Inn & Suites, 50 Oriol Drive, Worcester, MA 01605;
Comfort Inn Auburn-Worcester, 426 Southbridge Street, Auburn, MA 01501;
Residence Inn by Marriott Worcester, 503 Plantation Street, Worcester, MA 01605.

A WHA employee liaison has been assigned to each hotel to coordinate communication and confirm that residents receive updates as they are available.


The WHA is committed to ensuring that displaced residents are safe and fed. Residents who were placed at hotels will be provided with three meals per day while in the hotels. They will also be provided with supplemental shelf-stable meals from the WHA’s Food Matters meal delivery program.

Return to Apartments

Due to the damage, the WHA believe it will take some time before power is restored and residents will be able to return to their apartments. In the meantime, the building is not safely accessible and has been locked down. Residents who need to access emergency personal belongings should contact the WHA property management office at 508-635-3002 or 508-635-3003 to make arrangements to be escorted in/out of their unit. All other visitors to the building will be asked to return when the power has been restored and the building has been opened up again.

Communication to Residents

The best way to find the most up to date information possible is through the WHA’s website that will be temporarily dedicated to this emergency, here: https://www.worcesterha.org/weatherpage.html. This website is translatable in up to 140 languages. Please check here first, as well as on the WHA Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WorcesterHousing.

Messages sent through Facebook will be responded to as quickly as possible. Robocalls will be sent out in English and Spanish to residents with updated phone numbers on file with the WHA. If a 425 Pleasant Street resident needs to update their phone number, please contact the property management office at 508-635-3002 or 508-635-3003. An emergency hotline is also being established and will be shared as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

May I have someone not on my lease stay with me in the hotel room?
No, please be mindful to not invite guests to stay with you, during your stay at the hotel.

May I smoke in my hotel room?
No, smoking inside the hotel is strictly prohibited. This includes vaping or any other smoking instrument. Utilize designated areas outside for smoking. Do not litter. Dispose of any smoking materials in a proper receptacle.

How long will I be out of my unit?
The WHA is working with vendors to move as quickly as possible to get you back in your unit. At this time, the estimation is 4-6 weeks. We hope to start returning residents to their units in mid to late March.

Is there someone I could contact to answer my questions/concerns?
Yes, please contact your hotel liaison to answer any questions and obtain updates. The front desk staff can get you their contact information, if you do not already have it.

Do I have to follow the rules at the hotel?
Yes, please adhere to the rules of the hotel, and your obligations as a resident with the WHA.

Are there cleaning supplies available for my room?
Most of the hotel locations will have 2-3 brooms/dust pans available at the front desk for temporary use. Please check with your hotel front desk to confirm this service.

Will I have access to a laundry room?
Yes, coin-operated machines are available at the hotels.

Will there be a shuttle to take me to the grocery store and WRTA bus station?
Shuttle service will be available. A flyer with the schedule was delivered to every room. For residents in hotels outside of Worcester, you must reserve a ride to Worcester on the shuttle by calling 508-635-3200. This shuttle will take you to the WRTA bus station. No need to make reservations for the weekly shuttle to the grocery store. Due to the Residence Inn proximity to the WRTA bus stop, WHA will not be providing shuttle services.

Can I get back into my unit to retrieve additional necessary items?
At this point, the building is a construction site. In order to ensure the safety of our residents, please contact the management office to speak with staff about obtaining access to your unit to obtain additional necessary items. The request may be allowed on a case-by-case basis. As a reminder, the management office is closed to the public on Wednesdays. Additionally, please contact your doctor’s office regarding your prescriptions.

Will I be obtaining any additional meals?
At this point, the WHA has stopped meal services. Many residents have requested to stop receiving meals in order for them to prepare their own meals, based on their dietary needs.

What happened to the food in my refrigerator?
Unfortunately, due to the lack of electricity, WHA discarded the contents of your refrigerator. The WHA is working on obtaining gift cards and monetary donations to assist residents. We will notify you, if this becomes available.

Whom do I call regarding my SNAP Benefits?
Please contact DTA directly for questions regarding your SNAP Benefits. Their phone number is 877-382-2363.

What happened to the rent I paid for February? Will I have to pay March’s rent?
The WHA is waiving the monthly rent for February and March, so that our residents may use those funds for any necessary needs, such as food and household items. WHA issued refund checks for residents who have paid the rent for February. You do not have to pay the rent in March.
What if my rent is automatically deducted every month?
Residents will receive a check reimbursement for their February and March payments. Please contact the management office for more information.

Where do I get my mail?
You can pick up your mail at the post office (4 E Central St, Worcester) Monday-Friday between 9:00a.m.- 12:00 pm., from the service window in the lobby. You must provide a valid photo ID to pick up your mail. If you are sending someone to pick up your mail, you must provide a letter giving permission to that person to pick up your mail.

What about my cable service?
Depending on cost, you may want to contact your cable company to temporarily cancel services.



News & Press Releases

Fidelity Bank donates $5,000 to Worcester Housing Authority to help displaced residents
Posted: 2/23/2023

WARL takes in Worcester pets displaced from WHA building, extreme cold
Posted: 2/10/2023

Up To 6 Weeks Before Worcester Senior Housing Reopens: WHA
Posted: 2/10/2023

Nearly 250 people displaced by Worcester water main break will have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for repairs
Posted: 2/8/2023

Hundreds displaced from Worcester apartment building for weeks after pipe bursts
Posted: 2/8/2023

May Take Days To Fix Worcester Tower After Pipe Bursts In Arctic Event
Posted: 2/6/2023

Worcester: 195 seniors displaced in record-breaking cold Saturday from burst pipes
Posted: 2/6/2023

Additional Resources


Worcester Housing Authority
630A Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-635-3000
Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM